

金凱儀   Kai-Yi, Chin Professor


研究室: Q208
校內分機 : 6506




    • 多媒體應用 Multimedia Application
    • 電腦輔助教學 Computer-Aided Instruction
    • 數位學習 E-Learning
    • 無所不在/行動式學習系統 Ubiquitous Learning, Mobile Learning
    • 混合/擴增/虛擬實境技術 Mixed Reality(MR), Augmented Reality(AR), Virtual Reality (VR)
    • 直覺化互動介面 Intuitive Interactive Interface
    • 穿戴式技術 Wearable technology
    • 調適性學習 Adaptive Learning


  • 互動式媒體設計
  • 物件導向程式設計
  • 數位學習與應用
  • 電腦動畫應用
  • 多媒體概論
  • 系統分析與設計
  • 資料庫管理
  • 多媒體網頁設計
  • 人機互動介面設計
  • 行動應用程式設計



  • 博士, 逢甲大學 資訊工程學系博士, 2004.02 ~ 2011.01
  • 碩士, 臺中健康暨管理學院(現亞洲大學) 資訊科技與管理研究所 , 2001.09 ~ 2003.06
  • 學士, 朝陽科技大學 資訊管理系二技部 1999.09 ~ 2001.06


  • 東吳大學巨量資料管理學院專任副教授 (109.08~迄今)
  • 真理大學人文與資訊學系系主任 (107.08~109.07)
  • 真理大學人文與資訊學系專任副教授(104.08~109.07)
  • 真理大學人文與資訊學系專任助理教授(100.08~104.07)
  • 真理大學人文與資訊學系兼任助理教授(100.02~100.07)
  • 逢甲大學資訊工程學系兼任講師(98.08~100.07)
  • 僑光科技大學資訊管理系兼任講師(97.08~100.07)
  • 亞洲大學資訊工程學系兼任講師(92.08~99.07)
  • 瑪雅網路科技有限公司網站製作與程式軟體開發工程師(95.03~100.07)
  • 國內論文
    • Ko-Feng Lee, Yen-Lin Chen, Chao-Wei Yu, Kai-Yi Chin, and Chen-Han Wu, “Gaze Tracking and Point Estimation Using Low-Cost Head-Mounted Devices,” Sensors 2020, Vol. 20, No. 7, 1917. DOI: 10.3390/s20071917, 2020. (SCI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Yen-Lin Chen, “Effects of a Ubiquitous Guide-Learning System on Cultural Heritage Course Students’ Performance and Motivation,” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 52-62, DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2019.2926267, 2020. (SSCI)
    • 郭宗瑾、金凱儀* (2019)。探索食農教育體驗課程對國中生的自我效能影響之研究。人文社會學報。(接受刊登,2019年9月)
    • Ko-Feng Lee, Yen-Lin Chen, Chao-Wei Yu, Cheng-Lung Jen, Kai-Yi Chin, Chen-Wei Hung, and Chih-Bo Wen, “Eye-Wearable Head-mounted Tracking and Gaze Estimation Interactive Machine System for Human Machine Interface,” Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, DOI:10.1177/1461348419875047, 2019. (SCI)
    • 高亞涓、金凱儀* (2019.06)。探究無所不在的導覽學習系統於學習成效與動機之影響性-以馬偕文化教學為例。人文社會學報,15(2),173-198。【ISSN:1819-7205】
    • 侯淳馨、金凱儀*、王慶生(2018.12)。應用擴增實境技術於古蹟導覽教學系統對學習注意力之影響。人文社會學報,14(4),341-363。【ISSN:1819-7205】
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Ching-Sheng Wang, and Yen-Lin Chen, “Effects of an augmented reality-based mobile system on students’ learning achievements and motivation for a liberal arts course,” Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 27, No. 7, pp. 927-941, 2018. (SSCI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Yen-Lin Chen, “Using interactive u-learning systems to enhance authentic learning experiences in a cultural heritage course,” Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 26, N0.4, pp. 444-459, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2017.1341939, 2018. (SSCI)
    • Ko-Fong Lee, Ming-Shian Wu, Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, and Kai-Yi Chin*, “Augmented reality supported mobile self-guided system for enhancing authentic learning activities,” International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 117-131, 2018.
    • 金凱儀、李可風、王慶生(2017.04)。行動科技應用於博物館導覽對學習注意力與成效之影響。數位學習科技期刊,9(2),29-52。(TSSCI)【ISSN:2071-4874】
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, “Development of a mobile augmented reality system to facilitate real-world learnings,” Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol. 375, pp. 363-372, 2016. (EI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Zeng-Wei Hong, Yueh-Min Huang, Wei-Wei Shen and Jim-Min Lin, “Courseware Development with Scripting Animated Pedagogical Agents in Computer-Assisted Learning System for Elementary Education,” Interactive Learning Environments, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 360-381, DOI:10.1080/10494820.2013.851089, 2016. (SSCI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Yen-Lin Chen, “Impact on student motivation by using a QR-based U-Learning Material Production System to create authentic learning experiences,” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 367-382, 2015. (SSCI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Zeng-Wei Hong and Yen-Lin Chen, “Impact of using an educational robot-based learning system on students’ motivation in elementary education,” IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 333-345, 2014. (SSCI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin and Yen-Lin Chen, “On Designing a Multimedia Mobile Learning System with Animated Pedagogical Agents”, ICIC Express Letters, Vol.7, No.1, pp. 159-164, 2013. (EI)
    • Tracy T. H. Tsai, Arthur J. Lin, and Kai-Yi Chin*, “Study on Web Users Loyalty Effected by Different Computer Expertise Levels”, Journal of Computers, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 25-34, 2012. (EI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Yen-Lin Chen, Jong-Shin Chen, Zeng-Wei Hong and Jim-Min Lin, “Exploring the efficiency of multimedia with an animated agent in Web-based learning systems,” IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E94-D, No.4, pp. 754-762, 2011. (SCI, EI)
    • Zeng-Wei Hong, Cheng-Hung Chuang, Chin-Hsien Wu, Kai-Yi Chin, Jim-Min Lin and Yen-Lin Chen, “Scripting Animated Conversational Agents in an Internet Multi-Agent Advertising System,” JCIT: Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 293-305, 2011. (EI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Guo-Ming Fang, Zeng-Wei Hong, Jim-Min Lin, and Arthur J. Lin, “Framework and Applications of an Interactive Scenario-Based Agent System,” International Transactions on Systems Science and Applications, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 13-25, 2010.
    • Guo-Ming Fang, Jim-Min Lin, Kai-Yi Chin, Wen-Gung Cheng, and Chiou-Yng Lee, “Software Integration for Applications with Audio/Video Stream,” International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Vol. 6, No. 3(B), pp. 1421-1433, 2010. (EI)
    • Guo-Ming Fang, Kai-Yi Chin, Xui-Hui Yan, Jim-Min Lin, and Arthur Lin, “A Framework for Interactive Scenario-Based Multi-Agent Systems,” System and Information Sciences Notes, Vol. 1/2, pp. 159-164, 2007.
    • Guo-Ming Fang, Jim-Min Lin, Zeng-Wei Hong, and Kai-Yi Chin, “An Architecture for Multi-Agent COTS Software Integration Systems,” Journal of Computers, Vol. 18/1, pp. 15-30, 2007. (EI)
    • Kai-Yi Chin, Jim-Min Lin, Zeng-Wei Hong, Chih-Wei Lin, and Arthur Lin, “An Architecture for an Internet Marketing Multi-Agent System using AUML,” International Journal of Multi-Agent and Grid Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 413-433, 2006.


  • Submitted Referred Journal Papers:
  1. Kai-Yi Chin, Ya-Chuan Kao, and Ching-Sheng Wang, “Effects of Augmented Reality Technology in a Mobile Touring System to Conduct Authentic Learning Activities for Cultural Heritage Courses,” submitted for publication in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. (Major revision, SSCI)
  2. 金凱儀、張懷綾,〈行動式擴增實境學習系統對情境興趣與學習成效之影響性:以戶外古蹟導覽教育課程為例〉,數位學習科技期刊。(Major revision,2020年4月,TSSCI)
  • 國外論文

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Yen-Lin Chen, ” E Learning System Based on Multimedia and Game Mechanics”, 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (2020 ICCE-TW), Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 2020. (審查中)

    Huai-Ling Chang and Kai-Yi Chin*, “A Museum Guiding and Learning System Based on Augment Reality and Wearable Technology”, the 27th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2019), Kenting, Taiwan, December 2019.

    Ya-Chuan Kao, Kai-Yi Chin*, Ching-Sheng Wang, and Pin-Yu Chen, “An Exploration on the Effect of Augmented Reality Learning System on Situational Interest in Historical Building Guide,” 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019), Toyama, Japan, July 2019.

    Yu-Chuan Chang, Kai-Yi Chin*, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, ” Development of Digital Game-Based Learning System in Social Curriculums of Primary Schools,” 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2019), Toyama, Japan, July 2019.

    Yu-Hsuan Chen, and Kai-Yi Chin*, “Impact of Food and Farming Education Courses on Students’ Self-efficacy of Taiwanese High Schools,” International Symposium on Business and Social Sciences(ISBSS 2019), Taipei, Taiwan, January 2019.

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, Ya-Chuan Kao, and Yen-Lin Chen, “Applying Machine Learning Concept to Provide Adaptable Digital Tour Guide System,” Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers in Education. Philippines: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Manila, Philippines, November 2018. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ya-Chuan Kao, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, “A Virtual Reality Learning System to Support Situational Interest in Historic Site Courses,” 7th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI AAI 2018), Yonago Japan, July 2018. (EI)

    Ko-Fong Lee, Kai-Yi Chin*, Yen-Lin Chen, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, ” Development of An Intuitive Wearable Interactive System based on Augmented Reality and Object Recognition Technologies,” 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taichung, Taiwan, May 2018. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Hsin-Ya Hsiao, and Zeng-Wei Hong, “Practice of mobile guide and learning system by GPS positioning technology,” The 6th International Congress on Interdisciplinary Behavior & Social Science 2017 (ICIBSoS 2017), Bali, Indonesia, July 2017. (Best paper)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Chun-Xin Hou, Ching-Sheng Wang, and Ko-Fong Lee, “Using Augmented Reality Technology for the development of Historic Building Teaching Application: A Mackay Culture Course,” The 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2017), Timisoara, Romania, July 2017. (EI)

    Ko-Fong Lee, Yen-Lin Chen, Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, and Kai-Yi Chin*, “Application of Intuitive Mixed Reality Interactive System to Museum Guide Activity,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics – Taiwan (ICCE-TW), Taipei, Taiwan, June 2017. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Hsiang-Chin, Hsieh, “A GIS-based learning system to support general education – Using cultural heritage course as An Example,” The 5th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2016), Toyko, Japan, July 2016. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, “Development of a mobile augmented reality system to facilitate real-world learning,” The 4th International Conference on Frontier Computing (FC 2015), Bangkok, Thailand, September 2015. (EI)

    Ko-Fong Lee, Kai-Yi Chin*, and Jim-Min Lin, “Interactive augmented reality system for supporting museum guided instruction,” International Computer Symposium 2014, Taichung, Taiwan, December 2014.

    Kai-Yi Chin, Ko-Fong Lee, and Hsiang-Chin Hsieh, “A QR-based Materials Building System to Support Outdoor Teaching Activities,” The 2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2014), Athens, Greece, July 2014. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Wei-Wei Shen, Jim-Min Lin, and Zeng-Wei Hong, “Learning motivation survey of scripting animated pedagogical agent with multimedia instructional material in EFL course,” 8th eLearning Forum Asia 2013, Hong Kong, May 2013.

    Kai-Yi Chin, and Yen-Lin Chen, “A Mobile Learning Support System for Ubiquitous Learning Environments”, Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 73, pp. 14-21, February 2013.

    Yong-Cheng Chen, Kai-Yi Chin*, and Jim-Min Lin, “A Mobile Learning System based on Animated Agent Technologies”, 2012 Fifth Taiwan-Philippines Academic Conference: Digital Humanities and Cultural Studies, New Taipei City, Taiwan, October 2012.

    Kai-Yi Chin, Chin-Hsien Wu, and Zeng-Wei Hong, “A Humanoid Robot as a Teaching assistant for primary education,” In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing, pp. 21-24, Kinmen, Taiwan, August 2011. (EI)

    Zeng-Wei Hong, Rui-Tang Huang, Kai-Yi Chin, and Jim-Min Lin, “An interactive agent system for supporting knowledge-based recommendation-A case study on an e-novel recommender system,” In Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC-2010), Suwon, Korea, January 2010. (EI)

    Kai-Yi Chin, Jim-Min Lin, Zeng-Wei Hong, Kun-Ta Lin, and Wei-Tsong Lee, “Developing an IDML-based Embodied Pedagogical Agent System for Multimedia Learning,” In Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS-2009), pp.35-41, Shenyang, China, August 2009. (EI)

    Zeng-Wei Hong, Kai-Yi Chin, and Jim-Min Lin, “Developing embodied agent-based user interface by using Interactive drama markup language,” InProceedings of the Third International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (ICUIMC-2009), pp. (CD-ROM), Suwon, Korea, January 2009. (EI)

    Tai-Hong Chen, Jim-Min Lin, Kai-Yi Chin, and Zeng-Wei Hong, “Design of an IDML-based Interactive Agent Drama Authoring Tool,” In Proceedings of 2008 The International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2008), pp. 67-72, Kaoshuang City, Taiwan, November 2008. (EI)

    Guo-Ming Fang, Kai-Yi Chin, Xui-Hui Yan, Jim-Min Lin, and Arthur Lin, “A Framework for Interactive Scenario-Based Multi-Agent Systems,” In Proceedings of 2007 SIWN International Conference on Complex Open Distributed Systems (CODS 2007), Chengdu, China, July 2007.

    Jim-Min Lin, Kai-Yi Chin, Zeng-Wei Hong, and Arthur Jing Lin, “An Agent Scenario Mechanism Supporting Human/Agent Interaction,” In Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE’06), pp.203-207, Las Vegas, USA, June 2006.

  • 計畫執行
    • An stock trading prediction system using deep generative adversarial neural network, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018/05/01 – 2020/04/30, NTD$1,426,000

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