
未命名設計 (1)


涂芸芳  Yun-Fang Tu Assistant Professor


校內分機 : 6445




  • Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Visualization and Analytics
  • Technology and Digital Content
  • Information Literacy
  • User Behavior Analysis



  • 社群網絡分析


臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所碩士 (101.09–104.06)


Journal Articles

  1. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2018). Trends of library-associated mobile learning based on a review of academic studies published from 2007 to 2016. The Electronic Library, 36(5), 875–891. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-06-2017-0138 (SSCI, Q2)
  2. Yun-Fang Tu (2018). Factors affecting students’ behavioural intention in museum-based context-aware ubiquitous learning activities. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 12(4), 311–335. (ESCI) (Publication date: 04-Oct-2018)
  3. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2018). The roles of sensing technologies and learning strategies in library-associated mobile learning: a review of 2007-2016 journal publications. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 12(1), 42–54. (ESCI)
  4. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2020). Transformation of educational roles of library-supported mobile learning: A literature review from 2009 to 2018. The Electronic Library, 38 (4), 695–710. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-10-2019-0230 (SSCI, Q2)
  5. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2020). Trends and research issues of mobile learning studies in hospitality, leisure, sport and tourism education: a review of academic publications from 2002 to 2017. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(4), 385–403. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2018.1528285 (SSCI, Q1)
  6. Hui-Chen Lin, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Hsin Huang (2021). From precision education to precision medicine. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1), 123–137. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26977862 (SSCI, Q1)
  7. Gwo-Jen Hwang and Yun-Fang Tu (2021). Roles and Research Trends of Artificial Intelligence in Mathematics Education: A Bibliometric Mapping Analysis and Systematic Review. Mathematics, 9(6), 584. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9060584 (SCI, Q1)
  8. Chenchen Liu, Ping Wan, Yun-Fang Tu, Kai Chen, and Youmei Wang (2021). A WSQ-based mobile peer assessment approach to enhancing university students’ vocal music skills and learning perceptions. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 37(6), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6832 (SSCI, Q1)
  9. Yun-Fang Tu, Shao-Chen Chang, and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2021). Analysing reader behaviours in self-service library stations using a bibliomining approach. The Electronic Library, 39(1), 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-01-2020-0004 (SSCI, Q2)
  10. Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Chiu-Lin Lai (2021). Facilitating learning by the visually impaired: Development and usability evaluation of a specially designed ubiquitous library. The Electronic Library, 39(1), 69–185. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-10-2020-0284 (SSCI, Q2)
  11. Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Chao-Chen Chen, and Chiu-Lin Lai (2021). University students’ attitudes towards ubiquitous library-supported learning: an empirical investigation in the context of the Line@ Library. The Electronic Library, 39(1), 186–207. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-03-2020-0076 (SSCI, Q2)
  12. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Chi-Jen Lin (2021) (2021). Advancements and hot research topics of artificial intelligence in mobile learning: A review of journal publications from 1995 to 2019. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 15(4), 427. https://doi.org/10.1504/ijmlo.2021.118444 (ESCI)
  13. Kai-Yu Tang, Chun-Hua Hsiao, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, amd Youmei Wang (2021). Factors influencing university teachers’ use of a mobile technology-enhanced teaching (MTT) platform. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(5), 2705–2728. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-10032-5 (SSCI, Q1)
  14. Youmei Wang, Chenchen Liu, and Yun-Fang Tu (2021). Factors Affecting the Adoption of AI-Based Applications in Higher Education. Educational Technology & Society, 24(3), 116–129. https://www.jstor.org/stable/27032860 (SSCI, Q1)
  15. Yun-Fang Tu, Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Chun-Kuei Chen (2021). The role of hardiness in securities practitioners’ web-based continuing learning: Internet self-efficacy as a mediator. Educational Technology Research and Development, 69(5), 2547–2569. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-021-10038-z (SSCI, Q1)
  16. Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Shu-Yen Chen, Chiu-Lin Lai, and Chuan-Miao Chen (2021). Differences between LIS and non-LIS undergraduates’ conceptions of smart libraries: A drawing analysis approach. The Electronic Library, 39(6), 801–823. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-07-2021-0129 (SSCI, Q2)
  17. Zhiqiang Wang, Yu Guo, Yan Wang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Chen-Chen Liu (2021). Technological solutions for sustainable development: Effects of a visual prompt scaffolding-based virtual reality approach on EFL learners’ reading comprehension, learning attitude, motivation, and anxiety. Sustainability, 13(24), 13977. https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413977 (SSCI, Q2)
  18. Chao-Chen Chen, Ning-Chiao Wang, Kai-Yu Tang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Research issues of the top 100 cited articles on information literacy in higher education published from 2011 to 2020: A systematic review and co-citation network analysis. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 34–52. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.7695 (SSCI, Q1)
  19. Hui-Chun Chu, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Kai-Hsiang Yang (2022). Roles and research trends of artificial intelligence in higher education: A systematic review of the top 50 most-cited articles. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 15–35. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.7526 (SSCI, Q1)
  20. Shih-Ting Chu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Artificial intelligence-based robots in education: A systematic review of selected SSCI publications. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 3, 100091. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100091 (Scopus)
  21. Jou-An Chen, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Jung-Feng Wu (2022). University librarians’ perspectives on an importance-performance analysis of authentication system attributes and their attitudes towards authentication log visualization. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 48(4), 102528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2022.102528 (SSCI, Q2)
  22. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Kai-Yu Tang (2022). AI in online-learning research: Visualizing and interpreting the journal publications from 1997 to 2019. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL), 23(1), 104–130. https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v23i1.6319 (SSCI, Q1)
  23. Chun-Chun Chang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Concept mapping in technology-supported K-12 education: A systematic review of selected SSCI publications from 2001 to 2020. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 60(7), 1637-1662.https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331211073798 (SSCI, Q1)
  24. Min-Chi Chiu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Roles, applications, and research designs of robots in science education: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of journal publications from 1996 to 2020. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2129392 (SSCI, Q1) (Published online: 22 Oct 2022)
  25. Youmei Wang, Xia Luo, Chen-Chen Liu, Yun-Fang Tu, and Naini Wang (2022). An Integrated Automatic Writing Evaluation and SVVR Approach to Improve Students’ EFL Writing Performance. Sustainability, 14(18), 11586. https://doi.org/10.3390/su141811586 (SSCI, Q2)
  26. Biyun Huang, Morris Siu-Yung Jong, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Ching Sing Chai, and Michael Yi-Chao Jiang (2022). Trends and exemplary practices of STEM teacher professional development programs in K-12 contexts: A systematic review of empirical studies. Computers & Education, 189, 104577. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104577 (SSCI, Q1)
  27. Kai-Yu Tang, Chao-Chen Chen, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Did library learners benefit from m-learning strategies? Research-based evidence from a co-citation network analysis of the literature. Educational Technology Research and Development, 70(5), 1719-1753. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-022-10136-6 (SSCI, Q1)
  28. Chen-Chen Liu, Chiu-Lin Lai, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Effects of ASQE-based learning on the information literacy, problem-solving, and critical thinking of students with different growth mindsets. The Electronic Library, 40 (3), 269–290. https://doi.org/10.1108/EL-11-2021-0205 (SSCI, Q2)
  29. Chun-Kuei Chen, Yen-Ku Kuo, Yun-Fang Tu, and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2022). Employee attitudes towards ubiquitous library-supported professional learning. International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design, 12(1), 1–15. https://doi.org/10.4018/ijopcd.295952 (ESCI)
  30. Chun-Chun Chang,Gwo-Jen Hwang,Yun-Fang Tu,Chiu-Lin Lai, and Biyun Huange (2022). Perceptions and conceptions of learning in smart healthcare technology contexts: a draw-a-picture analysis of the differences between nurses and nurse preceptors. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2160469 (SSCI, Q1) (Published online: 28 Dec 2022)
  31. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Po-Ya Chang, Wan-Yu Tseng, Chia-An Chou, Chih-Hsin Wu, and Yun-Fang Tu (2022). Research trends in artificial intelligence-associated nursing activities based on a review of academic studies published from 2001 to 2020. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1097/CIN.0000000000000897 (SSCI, Q2) (Published online: Mar 2022)
  32. Yun-Fang Tu, Chao-Chen Chen, Ning-Chiao Wang, Nalatpa Hunsapun, and Yi-Chin Chen (2023). A Comparison of Research Trends in Information Literacy in Higher Education of Asian and Non-Asian Countries. Information Literacy Education of Higher Education in Asian Countries, 31-61.
  33. Chen-Chen Liu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, Yiqing, Yin, and Youmei Wang (2023). Research advancement and foci of mobile technology-supported music education: A systematic review and social network analysis on 2008-2019 academic publications. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(7), 4535–4554. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1974890 (SSCI, Q1)
  34. Chen-Chen Liu, Ping Wan, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Youmei Wang (2023). From competition to social interaction: a mobile team-based competition approach to promoting students’ professional identity and perceptions. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(2), 1158-1172. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1823855 (SSCI, Q1)
  35. Chi-Jen Lin, Kai-Yu Tang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2023). Advancements and research topics of museum-based mobile learning: A review of journal publications from 2008 to 2019. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(8), 4729-4752. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1981394 (SSCI, Q1)
  36. Kai‑Yu Tang, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, and Yun-Fang Tu (2023). Identifying mainstreams of contemporary digital reading research: Insights from a co-citation network analysis and systematic review. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2192757 (SSCI, Q1) (Publication online: 01 Apr 2023)
  37. Chen-Chen Liu, Shi-Jie Liu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, Youmei Wang, and Naini Wang (2023). Engaging EFL students’ critical thinking tendency and in-depth reflection in technology-based writing contexts: A peer assessment-incorporated automatic evaluation approach. Education and Information Technologies, 28(10), 13027-13052. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11697-6 (SSCI, Q1)
  38. Chen-Chen Liu, Yu Guo, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Zhiqiang Wang (2023). Effects of an article-structure strategy-based spherical video-based virtual reality approach on EFL learners’ English reading comprehension and learning conceptions. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2155840 (SSCI, Q1) (Published online: 14 Feb 2023)
  39. Chun-Chun Chang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2023). Roles, applications, and trends of concept map-supported learning: A systematic review and bibliometric analysis of publications from 1992 to 2020 in selected educational technology journals. Interactive Learning Environment, 31(9), 5995-6016. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2027457 (SSCI, Q1)
  40. Chen-Chen Liu, Jierui Hou, Yun-Fang Tu, Youmei Wang, and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2023). Incorporating a reflective thinking promoting mechanism into artificial intelligence-supported English writing environments. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(9), 5614–5632. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.2012812 (SSCI, Q1)
  41. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Hui-Chun Chu (2023). Conceptions of the metaverse in higher education: A draw-a-picture analysis and surveys to investigate the perceptions of students with different motivation levels. Computers & Education, 104868. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104868 (SSCI, Q1)
  42. Gang Yang, Dan Zheng, Ji-Huan Chen,Qun-Fang Zeng,Yun-Fang Tu, and Xiao-Li Zheng (2023). The effects of a role-play-based micro-game strategy on students’ computational thinking, learning engagement and learning motivation. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2223239 (SSCI, Q1) (Publication online: 22 Jun 2023)
  43. Chen-Chen Liu, Dan Wang, Gwo-Jen Hwang,Yun-Fang Tu, Ning-Yu Li, and Youmei Wang (2023). Improving information discernment skills: through a concept mapping-based information evaluating framework in a gamified learning context. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2205900 (SSCI, Q1) (Publication online: 03 May 2023)
  44. Gang Yang, Xiao-Qian Zheng, Qian Li, Miao Han, and Yun-Fang Tu (2023). An empirical study on how cognitive diagnostic feedback affects primary school pupils’ learning of Chinese writing. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2159446 (SSCI, Q1) (Published online: 03 May 2023)
  45. Xiao-Li Zheng, Xin-Yan Gu, Wen-Hua Lai, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Feng Wang (2023). Development of the social metacognition inventory for online collaborative argumentation: construct validity and reliability. Educational Technology Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-023-10220-5 (SSCI, Q1) (Publication online: 30 Mar 2023)
  46. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2023). University students’ conceptions of ChatGPT-supported learning: A drawing and epistemic network analysis. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2286370 (Publication online: 23 Nov 2023) (SSCI, Q1)
  47. Tsui-Yuan, Chang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2023). From realistic to idealistic online learning: A drawing analysis of the conceptions of university students with different self-regulation levels. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2023.2287246 (Published online: 15 Dec 2023) (SSCI, Q1)
  48. Chen-Chen Liu, Hai-Jie Wang, Dan Wanga,Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Youmei Wang (2023). An interactive technological solution to foster preservice teachers’ theoretical knowledge and instructional design skills: a chatbot-based 5E learning approach. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2023.2277761 (Publication online: 03 Nov 2023)
  49. Gang Yang, Wei Zhou, Yu-Die Rong, Ya-Juan Xu, Qun-Fang Zeng and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Designing a second-order progressive problem-based scaffold strategy to promote students’ writing performance in an SVVR environment. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-12418-9 (Published online: 09 Jan 2024) (SSCI, Q1)
  50. Xiao-Li Zheng , Jun Huang , Xiao-Han Xia , Gwo-Jen Hwang , Yun-Fang Tu, Yi-Pin Huang, and Feng Wang (2023). Effects of online whiteboard-based collaborative argumentation scaffolds on group-level cognitive regulations, written argument skills and regulation patterns. Computers & Education, 207, 104920 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104920 (SSCI, Q1)
  51. Xinli, Zhang, Yuchen, Chen, Danqing, Li, Lailin, Hu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Engaging young students in effective robotics education: An embodied learning-based computer programming approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 62(2), 532–558. https://doi.org/10.1177/07356331231213548 (SSCI, Q1)
  52. Gang Yang, Wei Zhou, Huimin Zhou, Jiawen Li, Xiaodong Chen andYun-Fang Tu (2024). An empirical study of the effects of intelligent cognitive diagnostic feedback strategy on L2 writing performance, epistemic structure, and transferability. Education and Information Technologies, 29(2), 2183–2216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-023-11905-3 (SSCI, Q1)
  53. Gwo-Jen Hwang, Kai-Yu Tang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). How artificial intelligence (AI) supports nursing education: Profiling the roles, applications, and trends of AI in nursing education research (1993–2020). Interactive Learning Environments, 32(1), 373–392. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2086579 (SSCI, Q1)
  54. Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Roles and functionalities of ChatGPT for students with different growth mindsets: Findings of drawing analysis. Educational Technology & Society, 27(1), 198-214. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202401_27(1).TP01 (SSCI, Q1)
  55. Xiao-Li Zheng, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, Jue Yu, and Yuan-Bo Huang (2024). Interweaving of self-regulated learning and game-based learning in higher education: A review of academic publications from 2009 to 2020. Educational Technology Research and Development. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-024-10393-7 (SSCI, Q1) (Published online:19 Jun 2024)
  56. Xinli Zhang, Yuchen Chen, Lailin Hu,Juan Li, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Promoting conceptual changes of artificial intelligence with technology-facilitated situational exploration and alternative thinking: A dual-situated learning model-based two-tier test approach. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2024.2361378 (Published online: 07 Jun 2024) (SSCI, Q1)
  57. Zhi-Qiang Ma, Ling-Yu Kong, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Zi-Yun Lyu (2024). Strengthening collaborative argumentation with interactive guidance: A dialogic peer feedback approach based on the six thinking hats strategy. Interactive Learning Environments. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2024.2344051 (Published online: 30 Apr 2024) (SSCI, Q1)
  58. Yi-Pin Huang, Hoisoo Kim, Yingying Pan, Xiao-Li Zheng, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Promoting elementary school students’ programming learning: Effects of metacognitive vs. cognitive scaffolding. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2024.2338086 (Published online: 30 Apr 2024) (SSCI, Q1)
  59. Xinli, Zhang, Yuchen Chen, Lailin Hu, Yiwei Bao, Yun-Fang Tu, and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2024). A metaphor-based robot programming approach to facilitating young children’s computational thinking and positive learning behaviors. Computers & Education, 215, 105039. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2024.105039 (SSCI, Q1)
  60. Chiu-Lin Lai, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Roles, strategies, and research issues of generative AI in the mobile learning Era. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 18 (4), 516–537. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMLO.2025.10059769 (ESCI)
  61. Yu-Ju Lan, Yi-Hsuan Chen, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Pre-service CFL Teachers’ Conceptions of and Attitudes Toward ICT and Image-GAI in Chinese Teaching: A Drawing Perspective. Educational Technology & Society, 27(4), 431-453. (SSCI, Q1)
  62. Jian-Wen Fang, Jing Chen, Xiao-Ge Guo, Qing-Ke Fu, Gwo-Jen Hwang and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Emotional supports in robot-based self-regulated learning contexts to promote pre-service teachers’ digital learning resource development competences. Education and Information Technologies. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-024-13059-2 (SSCI, Q1)
  63. Yuchen Chen, Yun-Fang Tu, Xinli Zhang and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2024). Young children’s conceptions of robot programming learning. Educational Technology & Society, 27(4), 69-89. (SSCI, Q1)
  64. Yingying Pan, Hoisoo Kim, Yipin Huang, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2024). Promoting students’ metacognition and self-regulatory efficacy through metacognitive scaffolding in mobile technology-enhanced interactive classrooms: The moderating role of inner speech. Education and Information Technologie (SSCI, Q1)
  65. Hui-Chun Chu, Yi-Chun Lu and Yun-Fang Tu (2025). How GenAI-supported multi-modal presentations benefit students with different motivation levels: Evidence from digital storytelling performance, critical thinking awareness, and learning attitude. Educational Technology & Society, 28(1), 250-269. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202501_28(1).TP02 (SSCI, Q1)
  66. Xin Cui, Zhi-Qiang Ma, Xin-Ya You, Yuchen Chen, Jia-Jia Yao, and Yun-Fang Tu (2025). Incorporating generative conversational agents into collaborative argumentation: Do different customization strategies matter? Educational Technology & Society, 28(2). https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202504_28(2).TP06 (SSCI, Q1)
  67. Zhi-Qiang Ma, Xin Cui, Wen-ping Liu, Yun-Fang Tu, and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2025). ChatGPT-assisted collaborative argumentation: Effects of role-playing prompts on students’ argumentation outcomes, processes, and perceptions. Educational Technology & Society, 28(3), 133-150. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202507_28(3).SP09 (SSCI, Q1)
  68. Jian-Wen Fang, Jing Chen, Qiu-Lin Weng, Yun-Fang Tu, Gwo-Jen Hwang and Yi-Chen Xia (2025). Effects of a GenAI-based debugging approach integrating the reflective strategy on senior high school students’ learning performance and computational thinking. Educational Technology & Society, 28(3), 66-81. https://doi.org/10.30191/ETS.202507_28(3).SP06 (SSCI, Q1)
  69. Xinli Zhang, Yuchen Chen, Lailin Hu, Gwo-Jen Hwang, and Yun-Fang Tu (2025). Developing preschool children’s computational thinking and executive functions: Unplugged vs. robot programming activities. International Journal of STEM Education. (SSCI, Q1)
  70. Mu-Sheng Chen, Ting-Chia Hsu, and Yun-Fang Tu (2025). The use of learning analytics and educational data mining to analyze teachers’ teaching in online environments: a systematic literature review. Interactive Learning Environments. (SSCI, Q1)
  71. Shih-Ting Chu, Chun-Chun Chang, and Yun-Fang Tu (Acceppt). Concept maps in technological contexts of higher education: A systematic review of selected SSCI publications. Educational Technology Research and Development. (SSCI, Q1)




  1. 陳俊魁、涂芸芳、賴秋琳 (2020)。探討證券從業人員網路自我效能、堅毅性以及網路學習態度之關係。臺灣科技大學人文社會學報,16(1),65–92。(通訊作者)
  2. 涂芸芳、黃國禎、陳俊魁 (2020)。圖書館支持行動學習的研究趨勢:2009-2018學術期刊文獻回顧。數字學習科技期刊,12(4),1–22。(TSSCI,第一作者)
  3. 張博雅、曾琬鈺、周家安、吳芷欣、涂芸芳 (2022)。1993~2020年人工智慧應用於護理的研究趨勢:文獻計量法。數字學習科技期刊,14(41),1–29。(TSSCI,通訊作者)
  4. 黃國禎、陳冠甫、涂芸芳 (2022)。虛擬實境在教育的國際研究與應用趨勢。教育研究月刊,340,105–132。
  5. 朱蕙君、涂芸芳、曾憲雄 (2022)。國家考試電腦化的國際趨勢與實施現況。國家菁英季刊,15(2),1–31。
  6. 黃國禎、方建文、涂芸芳 (2022)。人工智慧教育應用研究的全球圖景與趨勢。現代遠端教育研究,34(3),3–14。
  7. 涂芸芳、呂一淳、陳禹辰 (2024)。生成式人工智慧的國際教育應用及研究趨勢。教育研究月刊,365,170–189。




  1. 陳昭珍、涂芸芳 (2021)。臺灣K-12資訊素養研究回顧與展望。在吳美美(主編),圖書資訊學研究回顧與前瞻0 (頁312–336)。台北市:元華文創。(雙盲)
  2. 黃國禎、涂芸芳、金玲、楊梅伶、白璃、邱敏棋(2023)。未來藝世界:AI 繪圖新旅程。新北市:斑馬線文庫有限公司。
  3. 黃國禎、涂芸芳 (2024)。生成式AI融入教育的理論、策略與研究設計。新北市:Ainosco Press (華藝學術出版)。(雙盲)



Conference Paper

  1. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2018). Factors affecting students’ behavioral intention in museum-based context-aware ubiquitous gaming activities. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Game-Based Learning (ICGBL2018), Hong Kong.
  2. Yun-Fang Tu and Gwo-Jen Hwang (2020). Usability assessment of a library-associated mobile learning app for the visually impaired. Paper presented at the 2020 International Conference on Open and Innovative Education (ICOIE 2020), Hong Kong.
  3. Chao-Chen Chen and Yun-Fang Tu (2020). Trend and research issues of information literacy about K-12 in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2020 K-LISS/ I-LISS International Conference, South Korea.
  4. Chao-Chen Chen, Ning-Chiao Wang, Yun-Fang Tu, and Hsin-Ju Lin (2021). Research Trends from a Decade (2011–2020) for Information Literacy in Higher Education: Content and Bibliometric Mapping Analysis. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 58(1), 48–59. (Publication date: 13- Oct-2021)
  5. Chao-Chen Chen, Yun-Fang Tu, Yi-Chin Chen, Aciang Iku-Silan, and Fang-ya Chen (2023, November). Cultural Research Trends of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples, 2000–2021. In International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 106-115). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
  6. Fang-Ya Chen, Chao-Chen Chen, Yun-Fang Tu, and Hsiu-Ling Huang (2023, November). Integration Between Humanities and Technology: Using Digital Humanities Technology to Read the Gospel of Matthew. In International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries (pp. 116-121). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.

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